High Street Epping Veterinary Clinic

2 Hayston Blvd
Epping, V 3076



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Barking Problems in Dogs: You are being redirected to updated information on this topic

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Behavior and the Senior Dog

IntroductionDogs are living longer these days than ever before due to advanced veterinary care and better nutrition. However, as they get older, age-related di ...

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Separation Anxiety: The Fear of Being Alone

Dogs are highly social, and most dogs thrive best when they have company. Being alone results in separation anxiety and other separation-related behaviors for m ...

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Pannus in Dogs

Pannus, also known as chronic superficial keratitis, is an eye disease that can result in blindness if it is not treated. Pannus is a lifelong problem that can ...

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Recalls of Pet Food and Treats in U.S. are (Mostly) Voluntary

You may be used to seeing pet food recall notices released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And you may have assumed that the FDA issued those r ...

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Birthing Puppies

Prenatal CarePreparing for your dog's labor and puppy care can be both exciting and fun; still, awareness of potential problems is of paramount importance. It ...

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